Our office is closed for Christmas from 24th December 2024 and will re-open on 2nd January 2025


The media feature of Church Edit gives Churches the facility to upload their audio files to the web allowing Sunday sermons to have a, potential, global audience!

The Audio files should be in MP3 format and can be downloaded by visitors to the site from all over the world. Using podcasting technology, visitors to the site can subscribe to your Churches audio and have new audio files downloaded automatically to their computer.

Podcasting is a great way for people to keep up to date with the new media files that you add to the site. Every time your Church adds an audio file to the site, an RSS Feed is generated which lists all the audio files on your site. RSS stands for Really Simply Syndication and will display a listing of the audio files in a language that computers can easily understand and interpret.

The RSS Feed will be displayed on the main Audio page of your website allowing users to add the feed to their computers podcast software. There will be a helpfile on the Church Edit website which will provide more information to vistors on how to subscribe to your sites Audio.

Integrating with iTunes

iTunes is free software from the Apple corporation and is great for storing audio files in easy to find formats on the computer. With iTunes, users can easily subscribe to Church Podcasts. 

Church Edit has added an option to make it easier for users to subscribe to a podcast using iTunes. By submitting your Churches podcast feed to the iTunes Music store, you can make it easy for users to subscribe with just one click.

Adding your podcast feed to iTunes is simple and free. Once your podcast feed has been approved by Apple, you will be given a unique web address which when added to your website will display the following image:


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